Hi Monkey..
I Love you so much. I wish I could give you a big sqeeze, and a kiss on your little nose. I didn't get many cuddles from you, but boy, do I miss them! There's nothing like a Noah cuddle snuggle!
Mummy and Daddy are doing ok. We are busy with work, and Mummy has been at the clinic a lot latly.
We miss you so much... sometimes in the night, I think.. how did I do it... how did I get through that day without my Noah? How did I walk around, acting 'normal' and being productive? I didn't ever think i'd be able to.. I guess I can.. but it's so hard. Just a regular day takes so much more out of me than they used to.
Oh boy... life is tough without you my sweet, sweet boy.
I love you forever,
Gymnastics -term 2
8 years ago