**Disclaimer** If you know me in my 'real' life and stumble across this blog- please know that I write here for healing, and to feel close to my Noah, and close to my grief. At times these letters may seem sad, angry, and at times, crazy. Please don't worry about me- this is how I help myself heal. If you have questions, just ask- if you know me well at all, you know that I love talking about my Noah.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Noah's 3rd Birthday - Donation Drive

Noah's 3rd birthday is just around the corner. I'm not planning a pool party, or a truck themed party for 10 little 3 year old boys, I'm not looking through the Toys R Us flyer- finding deals on what every 3year old boy wants for their birthday, I'm not trying to keep a 3 year old from being over the top hyper for a whole 2 weeks before his birthday because he is so excited.

Instead- I'm remember those two wonderful days we had together, and of course, the terrible grief that comes with what followed. 

Last year I decided that each year, around Noah's birthday- I will make a donation to a charity- one which is in memory of a baby who has died, or goes to help other children in hospital, or living with critical illnesses. Each year, I will let people know via. email, facebook and my blog what I am doing- and invite them to help me. 

Last year, I donated to Doing Good In Her Name, in memory of little Peyton Binder, Kristin's daughter. 

Baby Noah LloydThis year, I am donating money to an Endowment fund that has been set up in Memory of Noah! My father set up an endowment fund soon after Noah died- this Fund will eventually be a yearly scholarship. It is given through Memorial University of Newfoundland. The Fund, background of the award, and how to donate can all be found RIGHT HERE.  Tax recipts will be mailed to your home, and there is an option to donate online, or to download and print a pledge card, and send the donation by mail. If you do not want to do either, you can mail me a cheque, or paypal me money, and I can fill out a pledge card for you. 

The Noah Awards is very important to our family- and we just can't wait to get the fund up to an amount where scholorships can be given out.  Here is an excerpt from the website/brochure:

The Noah Awards are:
  • The Noah Scholarship, which is awarded to a medical student, resident, or graduate student in a health related discipline, who is planning a career in a primary healthcare discipline.
  • The Noah Research Award, which is awarded to a researcher in a primary healthcare discipline.
  • The Noah Education Award, which is awarded to an educator in a primary healthcare discipline.
Each award winner must have succeeded through hard work and perseverance, and displayed humility and gentleness of character in approching work and life.

Financing for the Noah Awards is provided through the Noah Curtis Godwin Lloyd Endowment Fund. The fund is dependent on donations from Noah’s family as well as others who want to support primary healthcare and help us remember Baby Noah.

Will you help me? Will you spread the word? 

Here is the link again!

I understand completely that some people are not a financially able to donate- and I too understand that there are so many organizations and charities asking for money- even in the baby loss world. 

Please- continue to think of us, and pray for us- especially over the next few weeks as we celebrate our son and the day of his birth
Noah Curtis Godwin Lloyd
Peace and Love
Hope and Rainbows



Hope's Mama said...

This just touches my heart in so many ways. We miss you, Noah.