**Disclaimer** If you know me in my 'real' life and stumble across this blog- please know that I write here for healing, and to feel close to my Noah, and close to my grief. At times these letters may seem sad, angry, and at times, crazy. Please don't worry about me- this is how I help myself heal. If you have questions, just ask- if you know me well at all, you know that I love talking about my Noah.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Hi Baby Boy,

Today is Mummy and Daddy's 3rd Anniversary- A year ago we didn't think we would ever have another anniversary without you here. You were in my belly for our second Anniversary- we were so excited, anxious, and in love, with you and each other of course!

Gramma (your great-gramma) is here, she said she is going to take us out for dinner for our aniversary, that should be nice!

Oh how I miss you so much, your daddy does too.. I'm sure you see him sometimes when he is sad. I wish you could reach down from heaven and hold us.. I wish we could cuddle you.. I wish I could hear you cry and coo, and feel your little hands on me as I did for those 2 wonderful days.
We miss you Noah.. it will never go away.
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you more than anything else, different than anything else.. you will always be my perfect baby.